From My heart to Your mind – Becoming your best self!

I truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason and that there is always a silver lining to be found. That’s why my personal mantra is “Everything happens for a reason, and everything happens for good.” This mindset has helped me stay optimistic and motivated, even in the face of difficult challenges. May we all find solace in knowing that even when life presents us with challenges, there is always a greater good to be found. Life can be exhausting, but only by pursuing it relentlessly can we truly understand its purpose. When faced with challenges, it’s easy to ask, “Why me,” but the better response is to say, “Try me.”

Throughout the course of my life, spanning through the years, I have encountered a myriad of emotions- joy, sadness, and everything in between. Spending eight years away from my home and studying in a different city has taught me the true value of family, which I now cherish more than ever. My Five-year stay in the hostel has taught me the true essence of friendship and the importance of trustworthy relationships, something I am still apprehensive about. As I continue to pursue my university education, I am gaining a profound insight into the realities of life and the significance of being independent. These invaluable life lessons have made me realize that with persistence, determination, and the right mindset, we can surmount any hurdle and achieve our aspirations. This is merely a concise overview of my life, but it is filled with numerous experiences that have shaped me into the person that I am today.

Life can be tough, even when we have accomplished what we think is the pinnacle of success. I have always felt blessed and grateful for everything that I have in my life, but deep down, I have always wondered who I am. This realization led me to face some difficult challenges, but it was also the path that led me to self-improvement, and to start believing in myself and finding my true purpose in life. Believing in myself, loving myself, and being confident were the hardest obstacles I had to overcome. However, once I rediscovered myself through various practices, I realized the true meaning of life and embarked on a journey of healing and acceptance of life’s circumstances.

Sharing my personal story has always been a daunting task because of the fear of being judged by others. However, I have come to realize that everyone, at some point in their life, has felt this way and has been unable to share their story due to societal pressure. Some people claim to be introverts despite having a lively social life. Personally, I am a mix of both introverted and extroverted tendencies, but I only feel comfortable around my own people. I believe that many people, despite having numerous friends, feel lonely at times because they are scared of being alone with their thoughts. In order to progress as individuals, we must learn to be comfortable with our own minds and thoughts. Distracting ourselves with various activities will not help us grow as people. Sometimes, just sitting quietly for ten minutes alone with our thoughts can be the scariest thing for someone. To improve this, we can meditate, read a book, watch a movie by ourselves, or engage in other solitary activities. It is essential to have a social life, but it is equally important to take a few minutes to understand ourselves and figure out what we truly want to do in life, instead of constantly carrying other people’s opinions in our minds. I hope this makes sense. 

Discipline is crucial for leading a successful life. Growing up in the hostel, I was taught the importance of discipline, manners, punctuality, and respect for elders. Unfortunately, these are often lacking in today’s world, and they can lead to struggles in facing life situations. Although I may not be aware of all the solutions to these issues, I do believe that improving one’s self-discipline is a key factor in achieving success. 

Remember that you can achieve great things. Love yourself unconditionally, pursue your passions with dedication and self-discipline, and work hard to achieve your dreams. Embrace the changes that come your way and keep moving forward. what is meant to be in your life will come and settle with calmness. 

To all the extraordinary and open-minded souls reading this, may this article serve as a precious gift for your betterment. With all my love.


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