Ashirwadha Poojawa

The conventional “Ashirwada Poojawa” for the academic year 2021-2022 was held on the 28th of April, 2023, at the Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya. It was organised by the second-year undergraduates of the Department of Human Resource Management with the support of the department lecturer panel headed by Senior Lecturer, Mr. Priyadarshana Peiris, and the third- and fourth-year fellowships. This religious event was organised with the purpose of extending a warm welcome to the freshmen of the department and invoking blessings upon them as they embarked on their academic journey.

The ritual began with a serene and spiritually enriching teaching of the dharma (Dharma Deshanawa), where students and lecturers gathered to listen to words of wisdom and guidance. A few students presented the “Ata Pirikara” (Eight-Fold Offering) along with a few necessary items for the use of the Buddhist monks of the temple in order to show their appreciation and respect.

The Ashirwada Poojawa event was a great success in achieving the intended objectives. One of the key goals of conducting this event was to bequeath the culture and values of the Department of Human Resource Management to the new batch of undergraduates. This event has been a tradition for several years, and it is our duty as second-year undergraduates to welcome the younger brothers and sisters to the department with open arms. The main aim was to ensure that their new journey at the university began positively, focusing not only on academic education but also on instilling gratitude and love in their hearts.

The underlying motivation behind this event was to establish a strong bond of care and love among the first-year undergraduates, enabling them to explore diverse perspectives of university life, as embarking on this journey will not only foster a sense of belonging but also provide a platform to cultivate lifelong friendships and memories. These were accomplished through the enormous effort put into organizing the Ashirwada Poojawa event, which truly reflected the warmth and camaraderie that we share in the Department of Human Resource Management.

Furthermore, a banquet was organized by the second-year undergraduates for the lecturer panel and the first-year undergraduates, and a commemorative gift was also given to the first-year undergraduates in appreciation of their participation in this great event. All activities relating to the event were able to be carried out with precision and sincerity, resulting in a successful culmination. The “Ashirwada Poojawa” for the year 2023 ended with the establishment of unity and mentorship within the student community.

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